my babies went to amsterdam

I’m sitting in the Union computer lab with Ferrell right now as she prints off airplane tickets and talks about a last 53cent drink from the Kwik shop before leaving me. Everything comes so quick I don’t even have time to really think about what’s happening. I am happy about getting to eat anything in the fridge I want, and eating Ferrell’s Cherios that supposedly taste like metal. Good thing this is only for 6 weeks. Next February is not going to be fun, goodbyes-wise.

I’ll post up a picture later today with the backpackers holding the sketchbooks I made them. 😀 I hope they blog.

counting down again

three more days until my roommates leave for Siena, Italy. I am jealous beyond measure. mostly because I want to traipse around barcelona and paris and florence with them and sketch things in charcoal and dance in boites de nuit and barcelona music festivals with my girls.

lawrence is going to be wonderful, though. I’m not worried. I’m visiting home for a week in june for one of my favorite people’s bachelorette party & wedding! I’m super excited for the dancing that will occur, for the people who are coming directly reflect our high school prom group, and that was one of the best nights of my life. It began with sixpence none the richer on the radio with my favorite song kiss me, a perfect beginning. On the dance floor Monica ridgeway approached our dancing mass exclaiming she was jealous because of how much fun we looked like we were having. Nobody dancing with their date, all hands in the air and quinn using his best moves looking exactly like napoleon dynamite without trying at all. a pinnacle high school moment.

I hope it is the same at the wedding except with kirby and steen in the middle of the floor.

i woke up this morning and started designing the invitations to her panty party 🙂 can’t wait.

i am a french spacer

Sat on my floor tonight reading old school typography books. they were a bit dusty, but i was looking for something specific. i got frustrated with not finding the sentence i remembered reading sophomore year of college so i opted for the wikipedia route. i’ll find it someday, but this will have to do for now.

Sentence spacing with single, but enlarged, spaces was widely employed before the 20th century. Double spacing[3] (sometimes referred to as English spacing) came into widespread use with the introduction of the typewriter in the late 19th century.[4]It was felt that with the monospaced font used by a typewriter, “a single word space … was not wide enough to create a sufficient space between sentences”[5] and that extra space might help signal the end of a sentence.[6] This caused a widespread change in practice. From the late 19th century, printers were told to ignore their typesetting manuals in favor of typewriter spacing; in the 1890s, Monotype and Linotype operators used double sentence-spacing[7] and this was widely taught in typing classes.[8]

With the advent of the computer and the widespread use of proportional fonts, double sentence spacing became obsolete.[9] These proportional fonts now assign appropriate horizontal space to each character (including punctuation marks), and can modify kerning values to adjust spaces following terminal punctuation, so there is less need to manually increase spacing between sentences.[5] From around 1950, single sentence spacing became standard in books, magazines, newspapers, and webpages.[10] This was French spacing—a term synonymous with single sentence spacing until the late twentieth century. However, many still believe that double spaces are correct. The debate continues..

told you so


The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day. That is real freedom. That is being educated, and understanding how to think. The alternative is unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race, the constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.

My roommate and I had a really good talk tonight about rusty subjects. An old baptist preacher who kept me from blinking. Teenagers with so much power they were never away of. I’m so glad high school is over, but is it? I used to do things for different reasons—for God because of friends, for friends because of God. Every thought in my brain these days is about my future. My insecurities and intimidations with the real world. i like where dfw writes that the opposite of freedom is that feeling “of having had, and lost some infinite thing”. In the vaguest way that’s exactly how I feel. Because I’m not even sure what I lost. I just know I don’t have it anymore.

I wish I could be a better friend. For the people I love I will always be there for you. But its a two way street, and the wall I built got too big somewhere along the road. I’ve been listening to a lot of Neko Case since it got warmer.

Baby, why’m I worried now,
Did someone make a fool of me
‘Fore I could show ’em how it’s done?
Can’t give up actin’ tough,
It’s all that I’m made of.
Can’t scrape together quite enough
To ride the bus to the outskirts
Of the fact that I need love.


I just finished watching my favorite Dawson’s Creek episode. The one where Pacey and Joey get locked into the big Kmart store, and have to use the Pj’s and toothbrushes from the shelves, get to watch movies on the plethora of tv’s agains the wall and, at the end of the night, share a sleeping bag on turf next to a tent and fake grill. I could watch Dawson’s Creek from the first episode to the last, over and over until there are too many scratches and it gets too frustrating to try and fast forward through the glitches.

Aside from Dawson’s Creek, there are not many lovey dovey things I like these days. I’m not sure how I switched to heartbreaker and how it stuck so well, but I think it’s good for the time being. I prefer Lone Ranger, anyway. I even had to stop reading a book this spring break, for fear I might vom on its public library pages and have to pay a fee for such a terrible book. But then my diet coke exploded on it so I guess fate has its own intentions. I picked it exclusively because the cover was wonderful. Judging covers and recommendations are my two best book reading strategies, and this was the first time judging the cover has let me down.

Sadly, it was also the only other book I’d brought with me on spring break to Alabama. My whole plan for the break was to read a pile of books and make the perfect bloody mary from scratch. I ended up reading one book and had only one bloody mary from a mix. fail. I did get to do a bunch of other things I was looking forward to, though. Because Spence came, my friend from high school and good family friend, we got to take the boat out!

With my parents having met through sailing, I’ve always had a respect for boats, and docks and anything marine related, but it has also created a huge dependence on my dad, the captain. It was only this past summer that I finally had my first sailing lesson. And though I’ve seen my dad take out hundreds of boats, motor and sail alike, I had never been captain. I surprised myself this week. I remembered the bay as if I’d grown up there; Pirate’s Cove—the best chicken strips and onion rings—west down the Intercoastal, Sand Island—a natural erosion phenomenon perfect for sand boarding—east down the Intercoastal, minutes after the giant bridge and 30 minute No Wake Zone. I navigated our way through the channels as if they were the streets of my old hometown neighborhood. While fishing in the posted area, everyone cast out their lines and I took the wheel. Someone would get a bite and the fish would take off hook-in-mouth. Like hunters I steered the boat to loosen the slack, and the fisherman reeled in the line. We tried our best to tire the fish, but each time the line broke, and our dinner swam off with a free shrimp dinner. Better luck next year..

We only got lost once but after remedying my rusty directional judgement, we ended up making it to “secret beach”, pulling the boat onto the sand from the bay and running over to the other side of the strip to confront the ocean. We laid down towels, and turned on Real Estate as the boys ran off to amuse themselves with the waves, a guitar or the football. Ferrell and I sat on the towels eating chips and pineapple with sandy hands, taking pictures of each other with our analog cameras while the verse sang about the same beach we were synchronously making our own.

I think that was my favorite episode from last week.

I’ll post pictures after they’re developed Saturday!

dearest lindsey

you’re invitation stands until the tires cross the Lawrence line.

kidnapping may also become a viable alternative.

Some week ago on facebook it was doppelganger week. My roommate, Ferrell, doesn’t think she looks like anyone, but I think I may have just stumbled upon her look-alike.

..Jealous. Especially since my closest look-alikes are dakota fanning, her sister elle, darma, julie andrews, or cindy lou hoo. None of whom could pull off a leather and metal battle ensemble.