the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
just like summer camp

7/8/11 I got sick again two days ago. Eric and I are trading off I think. When I feel better he gets sick and vis versa. I had to visit the hospital again and the doctor wasn’t in town. The nurses pumped me with meds again through a hand iv and i had to come back at 2 when the doctor would be back. i went home and slept for hours. I hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before because my stomach had blown up like i’d swallowed a soccer ball and every time i rolled over i could hear all the little bubbles switching sides in my tummy. I also was fire-burping non-stop. It was all very attractive. Anyway i came home and slept and then watched pans labyrinth then went back to the hospital, my second home. I can’t help but think that getting sick so much this early is kind of a good thing. I now feel like I have a pretty good hand on how to take care of myself and self-medicate and what to expect from an african hospital. It’s a little scary, but I know it will come in handy. The girls have been all over my laptop lately. I brought it out to watch she’s the man a few nights ago and changed the language to french. It was incredible! I have seen it so many times that i knew the lines, despite them being in french, and Epiphany and I laughed at all the same parts! The cheesy humor of brazillian soap operas and Amanda Bynes go over well in Cameroon it seems. Now every night Patricia asks me if we can watch a movie. I haven’t had a good excuse not to, so I’m already a good chunk into my media folder. I hope my new harddrive arrives soon so I can get the gold mine that is Nate’s media library. He even has the 2 new episodes of true blood!He got 2 packages yesterday filled with all kinds of great things like crayon drawings, recess, necklaces, a beanie baby. I love packages. I feel like PC is a super intense summer camp where everyone else is getting mail but me and the food’s not that great Model School starts next monday. I’ll be teaching Premiere IT and Sixieme Anglais (roughly junior year IT, 6th grade english). I also am the extra curricular activities coordinator! As well as the Co-leader for the Ultimate Frisbee club on wednesdays! Africa needs some Bettys.

2 Responses to just like summer camp

  1. Liz Goering Wiebe says:

    Kimbo. I have enjoyed your blog so far. I got sick when I was in Honduras with a horrific ear infection, which lasted 6 weeks and I got pink eye on and off the whole year I was there. I was allergic to something. Sorry to hear you are sick. I’m thinking of you and hope the sickness doesn’t stop you from enjoying the new adventures and beautiful souls around you. Post more pictures! I love them.

  2. Tim Day says:

    She’s the Man is Universal!

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