the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
another day in paradise
computers in bandenkop
computers in bandenkop

The computers arrived in Douala (the port city and economic capital of Cameroon) in mid-December after one long month of shipping. Once they arrived, the port held them asking for more money even though we had letters from the head of Peace Corps Cameroon, the US Ambassador and other “big people” asking for exoneration. We […]

sounds of cameroon
sounds of cameroon

This past week a carpenter came to the house with the owner who lives in YaoundĂ© to put shutters and glass in the windows. This is a great thing and I’m no longer freezing to the bone at night, but there was something to sleeping in the “open air”. Just before the sun would completely […]

markets of cameroon
markets of cameroon

The markets in Cameroon are like the wrinkles on your hand—intersecting lines crossing the middle and escaping to the edges. A maze essentially, but a maze you come to know well with experience that rarely, or never, changes. My first experience in the market was exciting. I had been in Bafia for a week or […]

thoughts on freedom
thoughts on freedom

In lieu of our country’s independence, here are some thoughts on freedom: The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day. That is real freedom. That is being […]

this ain’t summer camp

3/2/12 I’ve never been one to miss people when I travel or move cities. Even when I was little and went to summer camp and all the homesick kids would cry at night with the counselors assuring them that everything would be OK and they would see their parents in just a couple weeks. My […]

child-bearing hips
child-bearing hips

I can’t believe it’s already august. Right now I’m waiting for 11:30 to roll around to teach my last practical class (the students have an hour of IT every day for theory and 1 day practical using the computer lab). I’m hoping that the other half of the class will get to create email accounts […]

madam keemberlee

7/12/11 Teaching is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. My first day of class was a disaster, but it probably could have gone worse. I’m not sure what I was expecting. but it was something along the lines of all the students being just like me, excited to learn about the possibilities that computers can […]

just like summer camp

7/8/11 I got sick again two days ago. Eric and I are trading off I think. When I feel better he gets sick and vis versa. I had to visit the hospital again and the doctor wasn’t in town. The nurses pumped me with meds again through a hand iv and i had to come […]

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