the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
join the club
join the club

“At the end of last school year, my voice was calloused and my hands were dried out and white after each day of school. My school saw its first computer lab which had opened halfway through the school year, and the with the addition of the lab my computer classes were made a little easier. […]

i am a french spacer

Sat on my floor tonight reading old school typography books. they were a bit dusty, but i was looking for something specific. i got frustrated with not finding the sentence i remembered reading sophomore year of college so i opted for the wikipedia route. i’ll find it someday, but this will have to do for […]

i used to run track—this is called the final stretch

Almost finished! I can’t wait for my family to come in saturday—mostly because none of my friends have met my parents, and now they will see why I am me. I just got off the phone with my grandpa who isn’t recovering as fast as he thought he would from his foot surgery. He feels […]

buy me
light at the end of the tunnel

hello readers! I’m alive, I swear! graduation has proved to be a way bigger project than I had expected. Since last thursday I have yet to hit the sack before 4 a.m. But I’m on a roll, and I’m glad I got into work mode early on, despite that it has been wonderful outside lately. […]

crunch time

sleep is for losers. embroidery is for grandmas. but i like both anyway

projects for models

portfolio photo shoot: trial 1 (un-edited) thoughts: i’m liking the wood background




I found these inspirations I had posted on my old blog for Graphic Design II. I looked back at them today because I’m using a similar cut & paste style, but also because these sites were just so cool. This is something I need to start playing with a lot more on my free time. […]

the project that is taking over my life

I love working with flash, but it’s frustrating when there’s no one really to ask for help. So after hours of tutorial watching and nerdy blog reading, these are screen shots from a partially completed website for Let it ROt! The National Composting Campaign that the nation doesn’t quite yet know about, but just wait..

Learn Origami

Oh, ya. These were the last few pages of my audit with the instructions for folding the pastry box with lid, and loose-leaf tea bag. Learn! Fold! Love! Origami!


It’s time for an update, sorry guys. Thanksgiving came and went, and of course while being confined in the Middle-of-Nowhere, Alabama without cell service, internet and 5 TV channel options with a satellite, I had an amazingly relaxing time and got nothing school-related accomplished. Last night I stayed up until my class this morning finishing […]

Sustainable Packaging Audit

House of Cha is a tea house based in Lawrence, Kansas, that sells hot and cold tea, bubble tea, as well as small, gourmet pastries. The atmosphere resembles that of a Zen garden, and gives the impression of a place where tea must be sipped, not gulped. Time is not taken for granted, as the […]

school is my life again

We had another one of my favorite paintings in class today. Death of Marat, 1793 Jaques-Louis David David didn’t give Charlotte Corday the time of day, and painted a man in a tub. Wonderful. Design wise its uses so much negative space—believed to be inspired by David seeing the body presented in the large open […]

The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For

This is it. The class I’ve been looking forward to ever since I got a sneak preview, as a lowly sophomore, of the projects that the upper class fourth year graphics students had been working on. The desks had been transformed into individual presentations, tiered with boxes, bags and invented products–each reflecting the hours and […]


Two buzz words that completely pulled me in. I was thoroughly agitated with myself today on my first day of classes, when the class I thought would perhaps include revolutionary and propagandistic poster art, but instead includes Rococo paintings of french aristocracy and the controversial Marie Antoinette. The teacher talks to fast for me, but […]

alphabet class

We had class today, for the first time in a while, and I finally had a complete alphabet with me to get critiqued! Hogan said I’d come a long way and didn’t have too much to fix before putting it into FontLab.. exciting! So here’s what I had today just to have a process update. […]

product of the 80s

Aside from getting up to shower at 9, making lunch and going to the bathroom a couple times, my butt was sitting my bed for 12 hours today while i reminisced on my old childhood toy, the Lite-Brite… and watched an awesome 80s vid perhaps for some inspiration. I wish the 80’s would have never […]

thoughts from the shower

I thought of this when I was in the shower this morning. thoughts..? and then this was just a creepy picture i took last night of the basillica! I want to go back now with a make-shift tripod and a super long shutter speed ooooOooOoOoOh and yesterday was my roommate Claudia’s birthday and we had […]

experimenting with fonts

One of my classes is an Alphabet design class. We were asked to find a modern design object, and design a font logo for it. I chose the penny farthing as my object, and I’m naming the font “Ariel” which was the name of the first penny farthing invented by James Starley. I’ll just keep […]

Oh Hai Princess

This past week was so crazy and so amazing, and to be honest I can’t believe it was real. I got the opportunity to participate in an international project where 77 young artists from 7 schools in poland, germany, belgium, france, and ireland came together for week-long workshops in different facets of art leading up […]

Germany DOES have peanut butter and microwaves

It’s been such an exciting week in Trier for me, and it’s only wednesday. I moved into my house on Sunday, and my roommates cooked an awesome dinner for me complete with spargles, crepes and hollandaise sauce mmmm. It’s also stopped raining and the temperatures are picking up! I’m sitting with my windows wide open […]

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