the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
the nature of the beast
the nature of the beast

the past few weeks seemed like they were out of a movie. i was overwhelmed with lasts—taking in as much as i possibly could. i was amelie with her hand in the barrel of dried beans at the market. i spent my nights sharing time with all of my favorite people. eating at all of […]

photo booth
photo booth

photo booth history of the past year

nashville weddin
nashville weddin

my roommate when i lived in nashville got married the other weekend and i flew out to see it all happen. it was the most beautiful and classic nashville wedding that ever occurred. pretty sure. they had the ceremony on the pedestrian bridge that crosses the cumberland river. the reception was on the rooftop of […]

i am my mother’s daughter
i am my mother's daughter

i’m being my mom for halloween. i just received a package with her old glasses in it. i asked her to mail them to me and i’m so glad she still had them. i always remember running into her room after nightmares or because i had an “accident” and she would reach over and put […]

culture flog. culture blog.

aside from my 9 1/2 hour shift at work, today was awesome. my friend ife* invited me and my friend galo** over for dinner. we’ve been on rotation for these dinners. galo is from ecuador and started us off a month ago with a traditional ecuadorian meal. so authentic his mother probably talked him through […]

when a weekend is a weekend

my cousin carroll came to visit me this weekend. she’s thinking about going to KU after taking a year off after high school traveling around europe with a performing arts group that does community service works, too. the group is called Up with People. our uncle david did it in the 70’s and apparently still […]

clif notes

the trip consisted of ten days sailing around the bahamas with my parents following a well known boat race around the abacos islands. at the end of the ten days my parents dropped cresson and i off at one of the main islands where we headed to the airport and hopped on a plane to […]


there was a single moment in high school where i knew i was the most happy i would ever be

long overdue

i’m not sure where along this road i started getting so lucky with friends. upon going to high school i had to split from almost every friend i had because of zoning. at this new school i remember being told about how freshman were considered “wall huggers” which i thought was silly until the first […]


unpacking the car still unpacking the car walking from the car to the airport speeding through the airport to get a bagel getting the bagel

my babies went to amsterdam

I’m sitting in the Union computer lab with Ferrell right now as she prints off airplane tickets and talks about a last 53cent drink from the Kwik shop before leaving me. Everything comes so quick I don’t even have time to really think about what’s happening. I am happy about getting to eat anything in […]

counting down again

three more days until my roommates leave for Siena, Italy. I am jealous beyond measure. mostly because I want to traipse around barcelona and paris and florence with them and sketch things in charcoal and dance in boites de nuit and barcelona music festivals with my girls. lawrence is going to be wonderful, though. I’m […]

i am a french spacer

Sat on my floor tonight reading old school typography books. they were a bit dusty, but i was looking for something specific. i got frustrated with not finding the sentence i remembered reading sophomore year of college so i opted for the wikipedia route. i’ll find it someday, but this will have to do for […]

warm weather

The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day. That is real freedom. That is being educated, and understanding how to think. The alternative is unconsciousness, the default […]


I just finished watching my favorite Dawson’s Creek episode. The one where Pacey and Joey get locked into the big Kmart store, and have to use the Pj’s and toothbrushes from the shelves, get to watch movies on the plethora of tv’s agains the wall and, at the end of the night, share a sleeping […]

dearest lindsey

you’re invitation stands until the tires cross the Lawrence line. kidnapping may also become a viable alternative.

RIP joon, 8.28.2008-2.16.2010

Some week ago on facebook it was doppelganger week. My roommate, Ferrell, doesn’t think she looks like anyone, but I think I may have just stumbled upon her look-alike. ..Jealous. Especially since my closest look-alikes are dakota fanning, her sister elle, darma, julie andrews, or cindy lou hoo. None of whom could pull off a […]

catching up with lindsey

you are not immune ..


TO: Lindsey LOVE: Me roommate christmas shopping is complete!

people i am thankful for
Lux City

An old friend from High School (Tommers!) wrote on my facebook a couple weeks ago saying that he had just been in Trier for dinner, had no idea that I was studying here, and that he was studying in a small village in Luxembourg. So of course I hopped on the train early friday morning […]

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