Back on the Couch

It’s nice to be home with my parents again. Lots of food network, tv series and dentist appointments. Not something most people are usually excited about.. When I go back up to Kansas I’m taking my brother with me—crazyyyy—for his first year at college away from the parents. I’m planning on taking him to the fried pies gas station in oklahoma, a necessary stop on the road trip when I have company! yum

a letter of love

Dear Morocco,

I will come again someday to watch your sunsets and sunrises, sleep on your sand and drink peppermint tea with you.

But you cannot make me eat your food. Ever again.


i’m alive

pamplona spells like pee, and is stained with sangria.

san sebastian is one of the most beautiful beaches i’ve ever seen. i teared up watching the sunset behind this lighthouse on an island. mm. Slept on the beach <3 Of course i forgot to get a postcard.. Arles is today. Can’t wait to see where Van Gogh went crazy. I forsee myself doing the same, but we´ll see. It’s so fun galavanting around Europe in a red mini cooper!!! almost like I’m home

America Day!

This is me in 1994 for our neighborhood 4th of July Bike Parade!
Not really, but only because I don’t have my pictures from that long ago with me so I had to settle for a google image. I used to wrap my spokes with red, white and blue crepe paper, and tie ribbons from the handles. I never had a statue of liberty costume, but it’s only now that I see how much I was missing.

I’m craving barbecue, sun, sparklers (or Wunderkerzen in german) and those ice cream cakes with the blueberries, strawberries and whipped making the american flag.. I’ll see what I can do about it..
Crunch Time

last week.

so much work
chefchaouen on the brain
and bulls, and wine and harry potter!!

chefchaouen, morocco
Father’s Day

A globe’s distance from Dallas to Germany

is much shorter than you are from me

so fold half the map

and use just one tack

and together as pins we can be.

But pins can’t show love enough for me,

and I’m still stuck on this side of the sea

So hop on your boat

I’ll pray that it floats

and together again soon we will be.

From this picture till now I have not ceased looking up to everything you do. I don’t know how I got so lucky, and I hope someday I can make you as proud of me as I am of you. Love you pops


Dungeons and Dragons

I woke up this morning and watched the
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer over and over, and got goose bumps 5 times. I’m so freakin excited for july, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a theater in Nice playing it in English..

Today I have to do layouts until I look like eric cartman at the end of the World of Warcraft episode. Which I watched last night. As I played MUD. Or lambdaMOO. Or we MUDed or MOOed? Whatever. But Jenn and I played the computer game of all computer games. Its one of the first text-based online virtual reality games where people from all over can be logged on simultaneously, and is played from you computer terminal. We started off with the tutorial and learned all the shortcut commands you have to type in to move or talk to people with. You can find a map of the “area” online, and you start out in the coat closet and then you type things like “north” “south” “up” or “down” to move to different rooms, and “examine ___” for descriptions on things. Once you enter rooms you also get descriptions of it; what’s inside the room that other characters have created and left, the size of the room, the color on the walls, etc. Even though it is so nerdy, I can’t help but respect it because of all the imagination that goes into it, and they definitely are not relying on the coolest graphics of the time. You can also make a description of yourself that people see when they “examine” the people in the room. And pick a name and one of the 8 genders.. hmm.. we picked plural.

I felt so nerdy, but at the same time I just wanted to draw pictures of these rooms they were describing and design some awesome map with the secret rooms that weren’t on the map we’d found on the internet with all the commands. It was like I was 8 again mailing my brother letters from summer camp in our secret language..
new books!

oops.. I accidentally went to the book store and bought the books with the prettiest covers…. oh well I needed something to read for my trip to dublin/london/krakow 🙂

I haz no interest..