the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
judgement day

i’ve been helping judge a photography contest for the past week now for River to Well, an annual event held to raise money to fund wells in south africa. last year the event raised over $5,000. i blushed when katie’s sister asked me to help judge, but i’m really glad she did because i’ve had […]

film review

Top foreign films I’ve recently watched: La Vie en Rose french True story of Edith Piaf! A wonderful french singer with a life and a voice that gives you goosebumps. It was a great movie, but I couldn’t help but get frustrated with the different circumstances she was faced with. But how can you argue […]

top 5 travel quotes

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with […]

mal organisée

I think I’m scared of writing because it makes me organize the thoughts in my head. Thus the long hiatus. It’s not that things aren’t happening in my life. Quite the contrary—the world is turning, the snow is melting, finally. I’ve started my internship at Willoughby, which has really changed my views on working for […]

another reason why guinness wins

Thank you Jesus for: _Guinness _Korean food _Guinness with Korean food _Snow angels

Trader Joe’s Dunkers

My favorite thing about Nashville: Trader Joe’s and their chocolatey dunkers. Trader Joe’s is like a whole foods filled with healthy organic and natural foods, but they are cheaper and awesome! They have many products under their own brand, including these milano shaped cookies, and dipped one one side in chocolate, that have changed my […]

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