the nature of the beast the whereabouts of a peace corps volunteer in the west region of Cameroon.

the nature of the beast
old people & computers
old people & computers

tomorrow is the day I get to talk to the lady at the front office of the neighborhood and ask her about the possibility of teaching a computer class at the club house. (the neighborhood community center next to the marina) I’m super excited about the whole plan. I’ve researched and created some lesson plans […]

best christmas present idea ever

i thought of the best christmas present for my brother yesterday and it’s already in the works. my brother just got into brewing his own beer. he made one batch that turned out pretty good from one of those starter kits. i was proud. he’s asking my parents for a 30 gallon pot for christmas […]


Last night was a wonderful night for music. I was laying on my floor with my head on a big pillow listening to our giant boom box blare bon iver, and I pictured justin vernon laying on a pillow mirroring me and singing to me. It was wonderful, and would actually make a pretty cool […]

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