
Tomorrow I leave for Badenkop for a sneak preview of my next two years. I met my host today, and got got to ask a few questions about the town. My host’s name is Jean (Marie?) and he is basically in charge of being there for me whenever I need his help for the first few months after post. He is a tall man and wore a trucker hat all day. I thought he worked for the school I’ll be working at, but when I asked him he told me he was a farmer. He also asked me if I could teach english, because there’s a shortage of english teachers I guess. I also found out that the village chief is younger than me and attends secondary school still. Maybe I’ll be his computer teacher! I’m excited and nervous. It will be strange being in the hands of an older man I don’t know, but he already asked me if he could call me Kimmy so things are looking up. My goals are to open my bank account in Baffousam, and ask my principal a bunch of questions. Oh, also I need to practice french the whole way there so I don’t look like a fool. We’ll see..