i’m back in the blogosphere! strangely, this even feels like my first post. I created this blog to write about my peace corps adventures, and here we are with my first actual peace corps news! A couple weeks ago I finally received my placement packet, telling me when I leave for staging and which country I will be working and living in for the next twenty-seven months. last april, after being officially nominated into the peace corps, i celebrated with my good friend laura by going to thai siam and stuffing myself with greasy cheap curry and topping it off with the sweetest thai tea i’d ever tasted. i felt sick from excitement (among other obvious reasons). the next few months were filled with scheduling appointments for doctors and dentists, and getting poked and prodded in between world cup matches. every detail was filled out in my pages and pages of medical clearance forms, and mailed to d.c. while holding my breath. everything was cleared except for a small filling which was quickly taken care of, and the wait began. months and months, and many cities later, in fair Chicago where we lay our scene, a package finally arrived holding the details of my future.

with a giant smile I tore into the packaging, and taking pictures to document this historical event, I took out each of the booklets and pamphlets and pages with words and information I couldn’t wait to absorb. i carefully read over the official congratulations letter, picturing it framed and hanging up next to my diploma in the house I don’t have. along with these important documents would hang the letter from Obama himself, signed and photocopied, and mailed directly to me with love. It might not hang on my pretend wall with my other life achievements, but I was excited nonetheless to receive such a prestigious letter. The rest of the contents included a couple volunteer handbooks, a family survival handbook, and my specific country handbook giving me the dates of my staging, date of departure and my country. this was located front and center when I first opened the package.

Staging: June 1, 2011

Departure: June 3, 2011

Country of Service: Cameroon

Program: Teaching Computer Literacy

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t know the first thing about cameroon except their soccer team is bomb, but i’m sure i’m going to love it !!!!!!!!!

this was my first thought. since then i have been googling images and facts about the country. learning as much as i can about its history and culture. i can’t wait. it’s been a long time coming, and i still have a few more months, but I really think it’s been worth the wait. I got the exact program I wanted, I get more time to study up on my french, and from what i’ve learned so far about cameroon i don’t think i’ll have any problem making it my home away from home.
