We had another one of my favorite paintings in class today.

Death of Marat, 1793 Jaques-Louis David

David didn’t give Charlotte Corday the time of day, and painted a man in a tub. Wonderful. Design wise its uses so much negative space—believed to be inspired by David seeing the body presented in the large open cathedral—and the reference to the Pieta in the pose, and a crown of thorns-esque towel that would have been soaked in vinegar due to Marat’s skin condition. It was also not anything like the allegory and history paintings that, at the time, were the main styles being used to capture important modern events. Good job David for being entirely too creative.

Also, for Graphics I settled on rebranding Composting. This will be exciting. And hopefully get me to compost, along with millions of others like the Got Milk? campaign!