Last night was sooo fun! I made pizza with all Anja’s roommates and danced the night away at Panic Club! When we first got to Trier we went to a restaurant called Astarix, and saw these “fetzig” (retro german way to say awesome) flyers for Panic Club, and picked one up to save. I saw them again when we dropped Jenn off with her 2 new guy roommates, Thomas and Beautiful Phillip, and it turns out that Panic Club was the next party that Phillip was DJing at. So last night was Panic Club, and before we went, Anja me and Jenn went to visit the next house Jenn will live in with 4 other guys, and talked and learned retro-German words like fetzig, souß and zouf boen!/ tanze boen!—all phonetic spelling of course. We just had to walk a block or so to get to panic club from her new flat, so we went, got our schtampe, checked out coats, and walked into the dance floor to a shout out louds song! It was so fun because I knew almost every song they played and even rocked out with jenn to “Love me love me! Say that youll love me fool me fool me! Go on and fool meee…” Awesome. We left around 5:15ish in the morning, and stopped at a kebab place before dropping Jenn off at her place.

When Anja and I got home, we went to the kitchen to eat some, and Timo—one of her roommates—came in shortly after and slightly intoxicated, and we ended up just talkin until about 6. My feet hurt soo bad, but I had such a good time, and learned a lot of german, and danced my feet off. The end.